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By Rick Kingston
Co-Founder of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven
In the Summer of 2020 I had quadruple bypass heart surgery.
In the Summer of 2021 , I had two major medical procedures. A heart cath and vascular leg angioplasty.
In the Fall of 2022 I had my left toe amputated.
Because of my diabetes and family history and heredity, my heart and vascular disease has progress.
In the Summer of 2022 I had vascular leg angioplasty. where they put two stents in my left leg to open up blood flow to me foot.
I’m doing everything that I should be doing, the Doctors are proud that I’m 39 years clean and sober, that I quit smoking six years ago, quit the Monsters Energy drinks, three years ago, I have my cholesterol under control and I finally have my A1C , under 7, at 6.6.
Yet most of all, they do love my positive attitude in this proactive fight, I have on my hands to keep alive.
Yet all this great work does not trump my genetic makeup and all the years of bad decisions I made with smoking, diet and drinking sugary Monster Energy drinks.
Father time has caught up with me. It’s time to pay the piper as my father used to say.
Yet I’m not ready to give up on life and get depressed over this medical news.
I’m not going down so easy.
The Doctors wants me to keep doing what I’m doing. Keep my positive attitude and lose some weight.
Next up is an exercise plan to lose about 20 pound.
I’m six foot and weight 200. My BMI weight should be around 180. We made a boxing gym down at the store.
I used to be an amateur box as a teen in high school and I always said if I ever need to get in shape and lose weight I will train as a boxer like my younger days.
I will be documenting my journey through various outlets of social media.
I will keep you all updated in what social media outlets I will be using.
I have another journey ahead of myself, so that I will have a longer life, yet , I have to have all of my affairs in order, so that Puffy Paws Kitty Haven will go on when Chrissy and I are not of this earth anymore.
As you know Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is in a residential neighborhood
Yet, we know we cannot continue on forever, with the structure of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven being in a residential neighborhood and with Chrissy mainly being the sole caretaker and myself being the sole fundraiser.
We must implement a plan immediately that will expand our operation into a commercial environment.
If need be, we will be moving out of Sarasota County, into a county that will welcome Puffy Paws Kitty Haven, and our mission with open arms.
We will be looking for real estate to purchase, ideally a large campus with multiple buildings, such as a former church property, with the price range of $500,000 to $1,000,000, which would be the perfect fit for the relocation of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven.
All the haters and all the naysayers that have been calling Code Enforcement and Animal Control on us throughout the past 15 years, can rest assured that our hands will never be tied again, like they are today.
This has been a wake up call about the survival of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven. Chrissy and I do not get paid. Chrissy and I will never take a salary. All funds that are donated go into the operation of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven.
With Chrissy's current health situation, and my health situation, we have hired help for Chrissy to help her take care of the kitties in the second building. The funds paid out are now a part of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven’s operating expenses.
Our second building is 800 sq foot, and 400 sq foot of it is used solely for the kitties with feline leukemia, which we have nicknamed "The Kitty Angel Club," because all the precious fur-babies are living angels who are living out their lives.
The second half of the building, 400 sq foot, is The Hospitality Room.
We will be implementing a vigorous course of fundraising and action to start planning the purchase of a commercial building and land so that we may operate as a full-service rescue and cat hospice, with volunteers, adoptions, and surrenders, in a commercially-approved area, so that the cats will survive if Chrissy and I can no longer take care of the kitties, so that the kitties will live on when Chrissy and I's days are coming to an end.
This will be our legacy that we will give to the unwanted kitties of the world: a place to go, a place that they will be loved, and every need that they have will be taken care of.
Puffy Paws Kitty Haven will not die, when we die.
We will be researching and then implementing our business plan which will coincide with a vigorous fundraising campaign so that Puffy Paws Kitty Haven will live forever.
In the upcoming months, we will be updating our new web page here, so that you may follow our progress as we take this journey together.
It is business as usual at Puffy Paws Kitty Haven, fulfilling our calling from God to be the voice of the voiceless, to be the caretakers of the sick. We cannot do this without you.
Please take this journey with us, as we struggle, a day at a time, to keep the doors open, and to expand Puffy Paws into its proper place as a full-fledged, institutionalized rescue and cat hospice, when Chrissy and I can no longer take care of the cats, so that others may step into our shoes, and continue our legacy that Chrissy and I started nearly 25 years ago, when we first fell in love.
Thank You For All That You Do
Godspeed to us all.