Englewood, Florida’s “World’s Greatest Cathouse,“ Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is a is 501(c)(3) a non-profit, no-kill cat hospice and rescue specializing in providing quality and loving care to special needs cats, and finding homes for the adoptable kitties under their care.
The Haven is a cage-less, free roaming, loving foster home for special needs and unwanted kitties.
The Kingston's provide their loving home for the kitties, A.K.A - The Haven, and it is huge and beautiful.
Puffy Paws cares for kitties with feline leukemia, FIV, feral cats, unadoptable kitties, one eyed cats, senior kitties, kitties that do not use their litter box, abused kitties, cats with neurological disorders, and more - basically unwanted and unadoptable kitties that would be euthanized elsewhere.
Puffy Paws is supported by the love of the kitty lovers world-wide.
No - Kill
Here at Puffy Paws Kitty Haven, we do not put down any animals for behavior problems, space, or adopt-ability issues. Yet, Puffy Paws Kitty Haven never has and never will let any kitty suffer with any medical condition that only allows pain and suffering with no chance of survival.
We realize that there are outside forces who believe that there is no such thing as "No-Kill".
No Kill sheltering models, based on innovative, non-lethal programs and services, have already saved the lives of tens of thousands of animals.
But instead of embracing No Kill, many shelters—and their national agency allies—cling to their failed models of the past, models that result in the killing of millions of dogs and cats in U.S. shelters every year.
Here at Puffy Paws Kitty Haven, we wish not to be drawn into public controversy over our "No-Kill" statutes, we only wish to save the lives of the unwanted kitties of the Community.
Puffy Paws Kitty Haven unofficially began 27 years ago in the loving home of Chrissy & Rick Kingston.
Now Englewood, Florida’s “World’s Greatest Cathouse,“ Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is a non-profit, no-kill cat hospice and rescue specializing in providing quality and loving care to special needs cats and finding homes for the adoptable kitties under their care.
This is what the local and national media has been saying about Puffy Paws Kitty Haven:
"Puffy Paws is a Taj Mahal For Kitties" - Dee Anne Roberts, WENG Radio Host - All About Pets
"The Cat’s Meow of Nonprofit Organizations"
Alissa Wolf from about.com
Josh Taylor from ABC 7 News has called Puffy Paws Kitty Haven
" A Bed & Breakfast For Cats".
Tami Patzer from the Gasparilla Gazette wrote, "Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is immaculate and if all the cats hid under the bed, anyone entering the home would have no clue cats even lived there."
Stephen Baumann from the Englewood Sun Herald wrote, "You might think the Kingston household is a crowded, purring, furry mess. It's not. b The house is big enough, and the cats small enough, that everyone's got more than enough room to stretch out, which is how cats spend most of their day anyhow.
Since the airing of the Video in October 2008 on Pet Pulse, and being on the NEW YORK POST web site, the kitties have doubled along with the daily cost and we now have over $40,000 dollars in monthly operating expenses.
The Haven is a lot bigger than most people think.
The Haven has two huge buildings, they sit on a 16,000 square foot double lot.
Puffy Paws is set up to handle the different medical concerns the kitties have by separating them into their very own living quarters.
Puffy Paws cares for kitties with feline leukemia, FIV, feral cats, unadoptable kitties, one eye cats, senior kitties, kitties that do not use their litter box, cats with neurological disorders, abused kitties and more - basically unwanted and unadoptable kitties that would be euthanized elsewhere.
The 2700 sq foot "Haven Home" has our healthy adoptable kitties, and a permanent residence for those who have physical, emotional and behavioral problems.
The Kitty Angel Club & The Hospitality Room
Our 2nd building is 800 sq foot, and 400 sq foot of it is solely use for the kitties with feline leukemia, which we have nick named "The Kitty Angel Club" because all the precious fur-babies are living angels who are living out their lives.
The second half of the building, 400 sq foot, is the Hospitality Room, where the family and friends of the Kingstons can hang out and chill with the kitties while enjoying a cup of coffee or a cold soda.

History Of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven
Puffy Paws Kitty Haven (PPKH) unofficially began 27 years ago in the loving home of Chris & Rick Kingston.
(Note: Since then, all official business with Puffy Paws Kitty Haven has moved outside the Kingston's home. The only thing that was left behind in the big business move-out in the Fall of 2009 was all those pesky little kitties.)
PPKH never even had an official name until the Fall of 2006. Prior to that, it existed only as the founders of Puffy Paws, Chrissy & Rick Kingston, taking in another unwanted kitty or a whole family of kitties into their home.
Over those 11 years, Chrissy Kingston has estimated that she has worked thousands of hours taking care of the kitties. Throughout the early years, the Kingston's have spent well over $100,000.00 on these loving, unwanted kitties (many of which are now a permanent part of their family.
In order to serve the kitties better, the Kingston's decided that it would be a great idea to form a Not-for-Profit Corporation, for the direct benefit of the kitties.
Puffy Paws Kitty Haven was named after a small sickly little kitten that was part of the Kingston's family for only a year. The Kitty's name was Poo-Puffy Paws ,or Poo Puff for short; he was such a happy little kitten. Sadly enough, he passed away during Hurricane Charlie.
Naming the Haven after him represented to us something we hoped other folks would know: that one kitty at a time can change the heart of one person at a time.
In the Fall of 2006, Puffy Paws Kitty Haven started the process of officially forming as a Not-For-Profit Corporation in the state of Florida. PPKH hired the law firm of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A., from Tampa, Florida to accomplish this task.
On November 20th, 2006, the dream became a reality: Puffy Paws Kitty Haven became a Not-For-Profit Corporation. Forming as a non-profit allows PPKH to raise funds for these loving kitties and all the future kitties that will need our help.
On February 16, 2009 Puffy Paws Kitty Haven completed the necessary paperwork for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, thanks to the Ralph and Virginia Mullen Foundation.
The IRS must love kitties. The reason being the kitties lawyers sent out their application for 501(c)(3) tax exempt statues with the IRS on Feb 20th.
On Monday March 23rd,we received the official designation letter from the IRS.
It only took 31 days for the IRS to approve our application ! That is a record amount of time ! Over here at Puffy Paws we never heard of an application getting approved in that short of time.
Now Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is worldwide known, thanks to the wonderful grant we received from the Ralph and Virginia Mullen Foundation.