Meet Ms Pepperpants, an adorable cat who was rescued by Cat Mama Chrissy. Ms Pepperpants was a little kitten when she was found, and she needed to be bottle-fed to survive.
She was fortunate to have found Puffy Paws Kitty Haven, who provided her with all the love and care she needed to grow up healthy and happy. Ms Pepperpants has a lovely personality and is a joy to be around.
She is playful, friendly, and always ready to cuddle with anyone who is willing to give her attention.
Unfortunately, Ms Pepperpants was diagnosed with feline leukemia, a virus that affects cats' immune systems. Despite this, she remains a happy and loving cat. Ms Pepperpants has a sister named Ms Saffron Britches, who was also rescued by Cat Mama Chrissy.
Both of them share a special bond, and they love to play and cuddle together.
We invite you to sponsor Ms Pepperpants. Your sponsorship will go towards providing her with the necessary food, medical care, and attention that she needs to live a happy and healthy life.
By sponsoring Ms Pepperpants, you will be making a significant impact on her life, and you will be helping her to overcome the challenges that come with her feline leukemia diagnosis.We believe that every cat deserves a loving home and the best possible care.
With your help, we can continue to provide a safe and nurturing environment for Ms Pepperpants and all the cats under our care.
Thank you for considering sponsoring Ms Pepperpants, and we look forward to your support.
Suggested Recurring Monthly Donation From A Major Credit Card or PayPal.
Please Only Donate Monthly What Your Heart and Budget Can Afford.
Click on the box below.
Please Enter The Monthly Donation Amount That You Feel Most Comfortable With For A 12 Month Commitment:
Than Check : Make this a monthly donation.
Than you may use a major credit card or PayPal.
Thank You
Mad Kitty Love